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Your contribution will go a long way to helping me maintain and improve this website. There are several expenses involved when it comes a website; here are a few. If you can donate, it will help a lot! Thank you!

  • Website Hosting
  • Domain Name
  • Plugins, Software and other Resources
  • Time: 1 – 5 Hrs per VHS
  • DVD+Rs

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* This cost includes some software, hardware, and / or services used by Webpage Mage (John Weeks) for other businesses and non-profit organizations. But, as you can see, it’s a substantial amount. And, in full disclosure, I invest a good bit of my own personal finances to support a large percentage of these costs.

** It requires anywhere from 1 – 3 DVD+Rs per VHS cassette. These DVD+Rs are a middle-man, so-to-speak, as the recording equipment I presently utilize can only copy from VHS or external source to DVD. Each DVD+R spindle has 100 discs, so 1 spindle can copy upwards of 30+ VHS cassettes.

Website built and maintained by Webpage Mage
Copyright 2024 © Memories & Kin

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Before you go

Please consider a donation to cover storage and domain name costs, website security, equipment, and time it takes to convert videos and images to digital format. Any donation would be helpful! Thank you so much!!!